Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert launcher if your game doesn't start.

Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game.

1 Run the downloaded - file to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Please start the game once installation is complete.


Latest News

Uncover the Ancients' Truth

An Adventurer, who has lost their memories, standing at the center of a continent.
An long adventure of running through the world to uncover the truth begins.

Realizing an Adventure of Dreams

Realizing an Adventure of Dreams

A wanderer running across the plains with their horse, a great merchant that travels across islands and lands on a gigantic sailboat.
Roam around the vast world and create your own story.

An Endless Battle An Endless Battle
ranger nova ranger nova

An Endless Battle

Thrilling battles to stop forces that threaten the world and battles in which you sometimes fight against other Adventurers.
Lead winning battles to win your guild their fame and get your hands on a great amount of wealth.

life music bird

Life of Freedom,
Another Life

Cozy up in your uniquely decorated residence,
sit and listen to insects around a campfire,
embark on a fishing trip with friends, or become a talented alchemist.

fishing crafting

A Vast Open World

From the scorching heat of a desert metropolis
to the serene peace of hidden forest enclaves,
a thrilling story follows wherever your footsteps take you.

Class Introduction


Enjoy the beautiful world of Black Desert remastered, through videos and images.

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New Class​ Update​
All Things Attract
to One Another!
Scholar channels the power of alchemy through her hammers in combat.
GM Note
Nothin' Me Hammers Can't Solve! Scholar channels alchemy through her hammers
and sledgehammer to solve problems.
See more
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New Class Scholar is Here!

Embark on a new adventure with the maven of gravity, Scholar!​

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